How to Write Problem and Solution Essay

Problem and solution essays are not the most common type of writing assignment given to today’s students, but they have a fundamental purpose: to stimulate society to find solutions to the world’s most common problems. One can quickly develop a topic for such essay type only by looking around or reading a newspaper. We have prepared a complete guide to writing problem and solution essays to deliver a compelling work with minimal effort.

How to Choose a Problem and Solution Essay Topic

The essay topic you choose should be relatively easy to write about, but it should also be in the general public’s interest. Prevalent problem and solution essay topics today include everything related to the environment, psychology, bad habits, the Internet, youth abnormalities, education, racism, and so on. The topic you ultimately choose should motivate you to think and seek solutions to the problem. If you are looking for free problem and solution essay topics with examples of ideas, see this article.

Four Pillars of Problem and Solution Essays

Each problem-solving essay should have four mandatory components:

– The situation or your familiarity with the background of the problem.

– The problem or your description of the problem specifications and why one should solve it.

– The solution or your suggested answer to the problem.

– Evaluation or review of your previously stated ideas along with a call to action.

Sometimes a problem and solution essay touches on more than one problem. Still, this step is only practical when multiple issues are in the same area, or else you will find it difficult to focus on problem-solving.

How to Write Problem and Solution Essay

These tips are useful for writing a successful problem and solution essay:

  1. List everything you know about the issue to make sure you do thorough research.
  2. Using your findings, provide some evidence that the chosen problem is essential and should be addressed as soon as possible.
  3. Identify the problem aspects that have yet to be explored. Not only will this help you see a bigger picture, but it will also give your readers food for thought.
  4. Create a plan for your research, indicating where you will look for information and what methods you will use in your research.
  5. Share your solution with your teacher or another authority figure in your life to make sure you are on the right track.

Two Ways to Write an Outline for Problem and Solution Essay

Unlike a typical essay, which tends to offer one basic approach to creating an outline, a problem-solving essay allows you to build it in two different ways. These are block and chained methods. Regardless of which outline type you decide to turn to, writing an outline is an essential step towards a brilliant essay as it will help you stay on track throughout your writing.

The block outline has the following structure:

– Introduction and background.

– Problems 1, 2, 3.

– Transition points.

– Solutions 1, 2, 3.

– Assessment and conclusion.

The chained method of outlining includes the following:

– Introduction and background.

– Problem 1 + solution.

– Problem 2 + solution.

– Problem 3 + solution.

– Assessment and conclusion.

The main secret to writing a successful problem-solving essay is to believe in your problem.


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