About Town Redondo: Metro surveying, new RUHS classes, DEI “Footsteps to Freedom”

Metro senior real estate officer Holly Rockwell and surveyors walk the right of way in 2024. Photo by Kevin Cody

Redondo Union H.S. to add four classes

Four new classes will be offered at RUHS next year.

They are AP Microeconomics, Unified P.E. – in which mentor students work with developmentally disabled kids – “Project Lead the Way” Aerospace Engineering, and Advanced Digital (media) Production Two. 

The Redondo Unified School board approved the four classes Jan. 14.

Aerospace Engineering is a new course in the Engineering Pathway in “Project Lead the Way” – a series of classes each in the fields of biomedical science, computer science and engineering.

Who will teach the new classes has not yet been determined. 

School boardmember Dan Elder said the district will “potentially” need to hire a new teacher or two to launch the new offerings, set to start in the 2025-26 school year. 


Council of PTA to present DEI “Footsteps to Freedom”

Verena Thompson, the diversity, equity and inclusion chair for the Redondo Beach Council of PTAs, has announced, on behalf of the council, “Footsteps to Freedom,” at the RUHS auditorium Feb. 4 at 5 p.m., a program featuring speaker Hardy Brown II.

He will show and speak about a major collection of rare documents on the subject of enslavement and freedom movements. 

“This is a unique opportunity for the community to both attend Mr. Hardy’s presentation and tour his collection in the midst of Black History Month,” Thompson said. 

The event is free and open to the public.


METRO R.O.W. surveying project to start Feb. 5

Part of preparation for a final Environmental Impact Report for the Metro C-Line Extension Project to Torrance, Metro staff will do survey work along the proposed route, beginning Feb. 5.

Estimated to last two to three months, it will include aerial photography (by drone) of the Metro right-of-way railroad corridor, ground surveys of the existing boundaries along the corridor, and traffic counts.

Work is to take place during the day, between 8 a.m. – 5 p.m., stretching from Metro’s Redondo Beach (Marine) Station, south four miles through Lawndale, North Redondo Beach and Torrance, ending at the Torrance Transit Center.

Metro has announced that staff and surveyors will work only on Metro property, as opposed to private properties or fenced areas along the R.O.W. 

Staff will walk along the existing railroad tracks, drive trucks onto the R.O.W. and observe traffic at crossings. 

The final Environmental Impact Report is expected to be released in the second half of this year.

Metro released its Draft Environmental Impact Report in January 2023, taking in more than 2,000 public comments over a 61-day public review period.


RUHS Chinese Honor Society to put on Chinese New Year celebration

The National Chinese Honor Society at Redondo Union High School will hold a Chinese New Year Celebration Jan. 29-31 at RUHS. 

Billed as a “vibrant and immersive showcase of Chinese culture,” the event includes a “Lion Dance Performance” Jan. 29 at the Quad at the high school, interactive cultural activities such as hands-on learning experiences and traditional crafts and games. 

“Beyond being a festive occasion, this celebration provides an opportunity to emphasize the importance of diversity, inclusivity and cultural awareness,” said Cathy Yang, advisor for RUHS National Chinese Honor Society. “By sharing this experience, we aim to strengthen community bonds and leave a lasting impact on all participants.” ER

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