Letters to the Editor 10-3-24

Fire department rescue Dear ER: In April 12, 2024, Citygate Fire & EMS delivered a “Deployment and Organizational Analysis” of the Redondo Beach Fire Department to the City Council.  Taxpayers funded this top down, inside-out evaluation of our fire department in response to resident calls to preserve local control over RBFD.  In a 125-page report…

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Letters to the Editor 9-26-24

Fuel on Measure   Dear ER: Redondo Councilmembers Zein Obagi and Todd Loewenstein are deliberately minimizing the average yearly property tax lien assessment on my home for the unknown cost of two new fire stations and a new police facility. Getting re-elected in March 2025 has entered their head space and they want voters to pass…

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Letters to the Editor: HB press policy, bonds away

Personal politics Dear ER: At a recent City Council meeting, Councilmembers Raymond Jackson’s and Justin Massey’s behavior took a regrettable turn during a debate over the City Communications Plan, a policy that aims to streamline how Hermosa Beach handles media relations. Their critique wasn’t just directed at the policy itself but devolved into personal attacks…

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Hermosa Open volleyball tournament an old-school Olympian effort

by Kevin Cody One month after returning home to Hermosa Beach from the Paris Olympics, beach volleyball Olympians Sara Hughes and Kelly Cheng, and Chase Budinger, and Miles Evans, brought home first place honors from the Hermosa Beach Open.  It wasn’t the AVP Hermosa Open. It was an old-school Hermosa Open with fans cheering courtside,…

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Letters to the Editor 9-12-24

Champagne harbor Dear ER: Tear down an existing revenue generating business for a non revenue generating, $25 million dollar boondoggle that no one in Redondo wants (“Redondo Beach boat launch could mean teardown of restaurant,” ER September 5, 2024). That makes no sense. As a Redondo Beach homeowner and taxpayer, I don’t want a dime…

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Letters to the Editor 9-5-24

Pool of trouble Dear ER: Public-private partnerships are nothing new. Usually, this is because the private entity is so enormously wealthy (billions) that the risk to public funds, where taxpayers are the investors, is minimal given the potential return on investment. However, this is not the case with  Manhattan Beach’s proposed, $40 million pool project,…

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Jeff Lingle’s utility box painting 14th & Hermosa Avenue

photo by Kevin Cody Jeff Lingle said he was going for a contemporary Gauguin affect in his painting on a utility box at 14th and Hermosa Avenue of a woman surfing. Gauguin was a late 19th-century French artist known for his Tahitian paintings. Lingle’s painting also complements the adjacent mural by John Van Hamersveld, which…

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Letters to the Editor 8-29-24

Outhouse insight Dear ER: Recently, Seaview Park (4,000 sq.ft), North of Hermosa View School, received a one stall bathroom with a separate steel structure topped with a solar panel array of 5 solar panels.  This new installation was part of a larger remodel of Clark Field, Fort Lots of Fun Park and South Park bathrooms.…

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Letters to the Editor 8-22-24

Problem trees Dear ER: When you go to a cemetery, you can always tell when there was a recent burial. About 6 feet of dirt is piled above the ground. That is what the southwest corner of 10th Street and Loma Avenue in Hermosa Beach looks like right now. This would not have happened if…

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Easy Reader 54th Anniversary Writing & Photography Contest

An annual reminder Amidst all the news industry changes since Easy Reader began publishing half a century ago, reporting remains a newspaper’s core responsibility. Taking photos and writing with the goal of informing residents is what motivated Easy Reader’s early, volunteer staff. Each year, as a reminder of the paper’s purpose, we invite readers to…

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Letters to the Editor 8-15-24

The less said, the better Dear ER: Hermosa Councilmember Massey advises council not to talk to the press is sage advice from our councilmember, who also happens to be an attorney, and perhaps a bit of a “pettifogger,” in my mind. He reminds the “plebes” there’s nothing to be gained by councilmembers speaking to the…

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