City draft general plan up-date meeting set for July 18
by Garth Meyer
A public meeting will be held July 1 for the Redondo Beach Draft General Plan Update, at 6:30 p.m. at city council chambers.
The General Plan Advisory Committee has worked since 2017 to review the city’s land use practices regarding conservation, recreation and parks, open space, and environmental and natural hazards (including noise and safety).
The 27-member committee’s work is expected to guide land use in the city for the next 20-25 years. The city-council-appointed group has held 26 working meetings since its inception.
The General Plan, last updated in 1992, is meant to reflect the goals and values of the community: to respod to new laws, address growth and change, put into action the city’s certified Housing Element (where new housing should be build), and ensure Redondo Beach will be eligible for Federal and State funding in the future.
In March, a Draft General Plan and Land Use Plan/Map was shared with the broader community at a public workshop.
The advisory committee held its final meeting this past January.
The Draft General Plan and Land Use PlanMap now enters the final phase of the update process. Later this summer/fall, the City’s Planning Commission is expected to advise the city coucil on a final draft to go before voters.
The Julhy 18 meeting may be attended in person, or public testimony may be given live by joining the virtual Zoom meeting by computer or phone-in. ER