Higley wins second straight Hermosa Beach 5000

Nathalie Higley leads the pack of 300 female runners en route to her second consecutive 5K victory at the Hermosa Beach 5000. Photo
Like fine wine, Nathalie Higley seems to improve with age. The 40-year-old runner from Redondo Beach continues to top her female competitors in local races and Sunday was no exception.
With a time of 17 minutes, 20 seconds, Higley won her second consecutive 5K race at the fourth edition of the Hermosa Beach 5000 while improving her winning mark from last year’s event.
Higley was one of six local females to win their age division, outpacing Alison Atkinson, of Manhattan Beach, who finished second overall and was runner-up to Higley in the 40-44 age group with a time of 18:05. Sarah Muhlbradt, of Santa Monica, placed third with a mark of 18:33.

Redondo Beach triathlete Jimmy Wills won the 4th annual Hermosa Beach 5000 5K race with a time of 16:57. Photo
Redondo Beach resident Jimmy Wills took top honors among the 577 finishers, capturing the men’s 5K title in 16:57. The triathlete edged Rick Dodson, of Manhattan Beach, who clocked in at 17:08. Hermosa Beach runner Jake (no last name given) placed third with a mark of 17:16.
Construction on Pier Avenue did not seem to deter participants. Race Director Jeff Atkinson was happy to see an increase of 116 finishers from last year’s total in what he refers to as Hermosa Beach’s answer to Manhattan’s Hometown 10K and Redondo’s Superbowl 10K.
Thirteen local male runners placed first in their respective age divisions including: Max Glasman (1-10, Hermosa Beach, 22:05), Justin MacDonald (11-14, Manhattan Beach, 17:58), Steven Horton (15-18, Torrance, 17:58), Wills (19-29), Michael Cortez (30-34, Redondo Beach, 17:37), Miguel Colon (35-39, Torrance, 19:35), Dodson (45-49), Rich Gust (50-54, Hermosa Beach, 17:18), Ed Avol (55-59, Manhattan Beach, 18:44), Marty Friedman (60-64, Manhattan Beach, 20-:25), Don Jennings (65-59, Manhattan Beach, 22:11), Luis Gorordo (70-74, Redondo Beach, 23:15) and Dick Windishar (75-79, Manhattan Beach, 29:33).
Female runners placing first in their respective age groups included: Emma Zimmerman (11-14, Hermosa Beach, 25:12), Kristina Fernandez (19-29, Manhattan Beach, 19:30), Sue Antrobius (35-39, Hermosa Beach, 20:27), Higley (40-44), Sue Reinhardt (60-64, Rancho Palos Verdes, 26:01).
In the always popular kid’s races, age division winners included Quinn Saton (10, Hermosa Beach), Sean Keenan (9, Hermosa Beach), Grayson Doody (8, Hermosa Beach), Justin Yaskowitz (7, Hermosa Beach), Jack Walter (5, Manhattan Beach), Alexandra Davis (4, Palos Verdes) and Sofia Stevens (2, Manhattan Beach).
Atkinson’s next event will be the 9th Annual Manhattan Beach 5K Summer Solstice race Saturday, May 29. Registration is available at mb5K.com. ER