Letters to the Editor 2-15-24

Profile in courage

Dear ER:

Redondo Beach will sorely miss our great Mayor Bill Brand. Despite his battle with stage IV lung cancer, Mayor Brand relentlessly pursued shutting down the AES power plant, revitalizing, and not supersizing our waterfront, fought for local land use control (rather than allow  corrupted, pro-developer state laws), keeping the Metro C-Line out of our backyards, skate parks for our youth and, in the last three years, fostering economic development on Artesia Boulevard.

Mayor Brand’s impassioned dedication to everything Redondo earned him statewide recognition and respect. When I wanted to meet with Metro Board Member and Inglewood Mayor James Butts and, separately, the GrubHaus developers to find out how we could move that project along, it was Mayor Brand who got us in the door and led the way for Redondo at those meetings.

He was such a sweet, kind man, too. He made time for a conversation on any subject no matter where he was, and he didn’t let being hooked up to IV lines in a hospital bed stand in the way. His passing leaves a sad void. May he rest in peace, and may we honor Mayor Brand through our continued work to advance the quality of life in Redondo Beach.

Zein Obagi

District 4 Council Member

Redondo Beach


Friend and fellow defendant

Dear ER:

Last week Redondo beach lost a great leader, friend, and tireless advocate for residents these past 23 years. Every time Bill called you it was about the city and what can be done to make things better for everyone. Even while enduring lawsuits intended to silence our voices, and battling cancer, Bill never lost focus on the residents he so cared about and loved. Over the years Bill was also a friend and my fellow defendant working hard for residents. It was more often than not for him to place his own best interests second to what the community needed. Because of his steadfast efforts in motivating residents to act, we have new opportunities in our harbor area. These include the shutdown of the AES power plant, revitalization and zoning protection of King Harbor, the BeachLife Festival, a new harbor amenities plan, major improvements to Seaside Lagoon, and development of an Ocean Exploration Education center.

Bill also was a role model who never lost focus on the vision for a better city even when pro-over-development opponents did their worst. At those times Bill always acted above the fray saying just ignore them and together we will move the city forward.

While he may be gone, his memory and his mission continue in the hearts and minds of those he left behind.  You will be remembered dear friend!

Wayne Craig

President, Rescue Our Waterfront

Redondo Beach


A generational shift

Dear ER:

Mayor Bill Brand’s impact on Redondo Beach will be felt for generations to come. His vision to protect our city, King Harbor and our oceans from over development, enhance open space initiatives, hold steadfast to stay the course, and his friendship to many outside his civic duties, will truly be his legacy. 

Kathy and Jim McLeod

Redondo Beach


Redondo’s future maker

Dear ER:

Mayor Bill Brand was passionate about Redondo Beach, the ocean, and particularly his beloved wife. He courageously led and worked alongside leaders in Redondo Beach who wanted the city to grow and prosper in ways that would best serve the community well into the future. I feel indebted to him. And I feel a great loss.

Joan Riley

Redondo Beach



Model for all

Dear ER:

With his passing, Redondo Beach Mayor Bill Brand leaves a legacy of distinguished public service to his city’s residents.  Mayor Brand exemplified the zealous advocate that all local elected officials should be for their residents. He fought tooth and nail for what is in the best interests of residents, not for what’s in the best interests of the special interests.  

Let me give just one example of the bold leadership of Mayor Bill Brand. We all know the efforts Sacramento has been making to assert control over local zoning and land use. Mayor Brand just didn’t roll over.  He worked with other local elected officials to sponsor an initiative to amend the State Constitution so zoning and land use matters would once again be subject to local control, only. It should be on the ballot in 2026.  If passed, the State Legislature would no longer be able to pass statutes dictating to cities on zoning and land use matters.

Public service on City Council to a city and its residents is a privilege. More importantly, it’s a responsibility, one that requires zealous advocacy, courage, and strong leadership.  The legacy of Mayor Bill Brand should serve as a model for all City Councilmembers. 

Mark Burton

Manhattan Beach



Senior advice

Dear ER:

I was a Manhattan Beach Middle School Teacher for 51 years and continue to be a substitute teacher in Manhattan Beach schools. I am an Assistant Program Manager for YEA (Young Entrepreneur’s Academy), a member of the Manhattan Beach Coordinating Council (20 years), a past Manhattan Beach City Library Commissioner, and a participant on the Manhattan Beach B Senior Advisory Committee.

The Measure MB Parcel Tax will continue to provide funding for quality and diverse educational programs and opportunities. There will be an independent Citizens’ Oversight Committee, which will ensure annual audits and public disclosure of all spending. Senior Citizens (65 years old or older) who own their own home are eligible for a full exemption from the Parcel Tax. Pre-exemptions will be renewed automatically. Passage of the Parcel Tax will assure that MBUSD continues to be a distinguished and nationally recognized school district. Please join our outstanding educators in voting “Yes” to Renew Measure MB! 

Roberta Schreiner

Manhattan Beach


Keep the flow flowing

Dear ER:

Strong schools make strong communities. That’s why voting Yes on Measure MB is so important. Measure MB simply renews the current $225 parcel tax and preserves locally controlled funding for Manhattan Beach schools for six years. It does not increase taxes. As schools up and down our state grapple with budget deficits, this is an easy choice to ensure our students have the educational resources they need in an increasingly competitive world. Measure MB enjoys wide community support because our elected and civic leaders know what’s at stake – the loss of more than $2.5 million per year for our school district. It’s up to the voters of Manhattan Beach to decide if this funding remains in place. With ballots already delivered, this is an all-hands-on-deck moment where every vote will count in a critical local election. I’m proud to join Manhattan Beach community leaders and volunteers in support of Measure MB and I hope you will, too.

Support our students and our schools by voting Yes on Measure MB on or before Tuesday, March 5.

Scott Houston

Board Member

West Basin Municipal Water District


Part and parcel to the community

Dear ER:

We chose to move to Manhattan Beach 20 years ago so our children could attend safe, strong neighborhood schools. I quickly learned it was not by happenstance that our schools are great. It is the people, my friends and neighbors, who value, support and work hard to make sure we have great schools in Manhattan Beach. It was amazing to see, and I joined in that crusade; volunteering in classrooms, fundraising, and eventually serving on the Board of Trustees for 9 years. I’ve seen our schools go through several cycles of state funding shortfalls, recessions, and a pandemic. What always prevails is the will of this community to keep fighting for our schools. Six years ago we were successful in passing Measure MB, a locally controlled parcel tax that brings guaranteed funding to our district. If that measure expires this year without a renewal, it will be detrimental to our local schools. I know that is not what our community wants because I’ve seen us all come together countless times before. Excellent schools benefit all of us. The renewal requires a 2/3 passage rate so every vote is crucial. Don’t forget to turn in your ballot by March 5 and VOTE YES on Measure MB. Let’s maintain our legacy of excellence in Manhattan Beach!

Jennifer Cochran

Manhattan Beach



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