Writing a Memoir: Tips for Getting It Published

There are so many creative ways to record our stories. For example, writing a memoir is an excellent way to capture your life experiences in a meaningful and organized way. Being able to look back on your life and memories through the lens of your adult self can be pretty scary and exciting at the same time. 


After all, you’re diving into areas that might feel personal and exposing yourself in front of the world. Memoirs are becoming more popular, especially with digital bookstores like Amazon making it easier than ever to get published. Here are some useful suggestions for getting your work published if you are thinking about adding writing a memoir to your bucket list or need advice on where to begin.

Would you like to share your story with the world?


So, what is a memoir, and what is the purpose of a memoir? A memoir is a nonfiction story about your life experiences. It can be informal or highly structured, depending on the type of story you want to tell. You can write about anything from your childhood, to your life as a parent, spouse, or single person, to your career path or passions. 


You can even write about your dreams and aspirations, and how you have grown as a person over time. Memoirs can be creative or analytical, funny or sad, and completely up to you. As you write, you’ll need to be very honest with yourself and your readers. You will also want to think about how others may be affected by the content of your story. 


Because it is based on the author’s personal life experiences, a memoir is distinct from other genres of writing. You can get in touch with Alison Wearing if you want her to assist you with writing a memoir or if you want information on the many memoir writing techniques.

Make a Plan for Your Writing

Before you know how to write a memoir, it’s a good idea to make a plan for your writing. Here are some questions you need to answer before you start.

  • First, ask yourself why you want to write a memoir. 
  • What is your goal for completing this project? 
  • What do you hope to get out of it? Knowing the “why” behind your writing will guide you in the right direction. 
  • Think about who your audience is. 
  • Who will read your memoir? What do you want them to get out of your story? Knowing your target audience will help you determine the type of language and tone you use in your writing. It will also help you organize your thoughts and memories in a way that will be most beneficial to your readers.

How much will it cost to publish your memoir?

You’ll want to consider the cost of publishing your memoir before you dive in headfirst. The good news is that publishing a memoir has never been easier. There are many digital bookstores that accept memoirs and charge minimal fees. 


For example, on Amazon, a paperback book will cost you $26.95 and a Kindle book will cost you $9.99. Other digital bookstores, like Barnes & Noble, offer different publishing options. So it’s important to research the various platforms and choose the one that is best for you. 


Also, keep in mind that memoirs tend to be long. So if you plan on self-publishing, you will have to decide if you want to divide your book up into several volumes or publish the entire memoir in one book.

Selecting a Publication Platform


Before you decide which publishing platform to use, you’ll want to do some research and find out what each one offers. Some digital bookstores allow authors to design the cover of their book while others will present you with a selection of templates. 


One thing that is important to keep in mind as you select a platform is how easy it will be to find your book. When all, you don’t want people to have trouble discovering your memoir after you publish it.


If you decide to publish your memoir in print, you’ll have a few more options available to you. You can either publish your memoir with a publishing house, like Penguin or Harlequin, or you can self-publish your memoir and have it printed in-house.

Confronting Failure and Finding Success

Publishing a book is no small feat, and it can be really easy to get discouraged along the way. You may find that it takes you longer to finish your book than you initially thought. . Or perhaps there is a problem that requires some changes.


Whatever the case may be, it’s important to remember that you are not alone. There are many other people out there who have published a memoir, and they can help you along the way. 


It’s also a good idea to join some writing groups where you can connect with other like-minded individuals. These groups will help keep you accountable and on track. They will also help you stay motivated when you feel like giving up. 

In addition, they can provide you with valuable feedback and insight that will help you improve your writing and make the publishing process easier.

In conclusion

Writing a memoir is an incredibly challenging and rewarding process. It is a type of writing that allows you to truly get in touch with your emotions, thoughts, and experiences in a way that few other types of writing can. 


While writing a memoir can be scary and overwhelming, it can also be really empowering. It helps you gain a better understanding of yourself and your experiences. It also helps you connect with other people by sharing your story with the world. By following these tips, you’ll be well on your way to writing a memoir that is publish-worthy.



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