Letters to the Editor 11-03-22

Two for number one priority

Dear ER:

In the upcoming Hermosa Beach City Council election, voters can select two candidates who will continue, and expand on, the city council’s support for our police department — Mayor Pro Tem Ray Jackson and Rita Gerace. Public safety is the highest priority of the city council and staff. New recruitment, and retention policies, and programs, supported by the city council and implemented by City Manager Suja Lowenthal, and Police Chief Paul LeBaron, have significantly improved the police department and public safety. Mayor Pro Tem Jackson has supported continuing the competitive salaries, and increased funding for the police department,  which have provided more experienced, better trained, and highly motivated police officers. Council candidate Rita Gerace supports those continuing efforts, and the modernization of our police facilities with implementation of enhanced technology to make the police department as effective as it can be. Together, Jackson and Gerace will continue and expand on the city’s support for your police department. Please vote for Ray Jackson and Rita Gerace on November 8 to continue keeping our community safe.

Stacey Armato

Hermosa Beach City Councilmember


Bar Jackson

Dear ER: 

At the October 25 Hermosa Beach council meeting, Councilman Jackson said three of the candidates he is running against are slaves of the bar lobby, without offering any proof. And in an even more careless act, Jackson failed to identify which three of the seven other candidates he was referring to when he added that these candidates were beholden to dark (dirty) money. Even if Councilman Jackson’s unproven accusations were true, by not specifying which three, he slandered the other candidates. This kind of reckless dirty politics has no place on the City Council and is unbecoming of a prospective mayor.

Anthony Higgins

Hermosa Beach


Watch me

Dear ER:

I’m committed to using my many decades of volunteer and elective experience towards improving the quality of life in Hermosa Beach. I’ve been endorsed by the Sierra Club, and League of Conservation Voters. I am the only candidate to bring people together, increase transparency, and guide the community together preserving Hermosa’s unique character.  I’m committed to involving everyone in the process. I’m the one candidate who can move Hermosa forward, and serve the interests of all residents. That’s why I’m endorsed by several former mayors and council members, a former police chief, and residents. Let’s work together to improve public safety, and crosswalks, address homelessness, manage budgets, cut red tape, improve, and beach access – all with open transparency. For more, and to watch past debates or videos go to dean4council.com

Dean Francois

Hermosa Beach


Core strength

Dear ER:

Like my fellow Manhattan Beach council candidates,  my number one priority is public safety. I want to increase staffing in both our police and fire departments, I take a firm stance against state, and county overreach in relation to our local ordinances. I want to increase tax incentives for our  small businesses, and streamline the permit process for new and existing  businesses. I’m concerned about the state of our public schools. But one of the many reasons I am running for City Council is that I feel it has  gotten away from its core mission; which is to serve the community, be  transparent and involve the citizens in decisions which will affect quality of life  within our City limits. Over the course of the last several years, I have watched community participation be constricted, seen City Council act  against the will of the people, observed the State taking control, and witnessed  our financial health be downplayed from public view. Through my government experience in Ventura County, as well as my 35 years with the City of Manhattan Beach Fire Department, this is not the way local government should or needs to  operate. Topic study sessions and town hall meetings could be a part of the solution.  

My no nonsense approach to leadership will provide residents with the facts about what’s ahead for our city and how we work through challenges. For more information, visit .FrankForMB.com 

Frank Chiella 

Manhattan Beach


Lesser is more

Dear ER:

A few years ago I served on the Manhattan Beach Library Commission. It was a time of transition as the newly built library was about to open. Since the library belongs to Los Angeles County and not to the City of Manhattan Beach, there were many operational questions to sort out.. In the course of that work, I came to know David Lesser very well. While I had the good fortune to work with many other committed, and highly capable Council members, Library Commissioners, and City employees, I never found anyone more dedicated to not just maintaining, but to continually enhancing the quality of life in Manhattan Beach. I strongly encourage voters to return David Lesser to the Council chambers.

Gary Hartzell

Manhattan Beach,


Right civil candidate

Dear ER:

Manhattan Beach Council candidate Stewart Fournier’s honest, pragmatic, and hopeful insight into our community’s challenges, coupled with his willingness to listen to the public’s concerns, and examine issues with a balanced approach, sets him far apart from the other candidates.

Fournier has been a dedicated fixture on our City commissions and community initiatives without the need for accolades. He has been called to serve in an elected capacity based on the declining civility impeding effective governance in the community he loves. Fournier understands reinstating civility in our local government is more than just behaving politely. It means having respect for others and their opinions, especially when we disagree. The exercise of self-control is central to civil discourse. Achieving compromise between people who fundamentally disagree — and staying engaged with them despite that disagreement — is a concept central to the government form handed down to us by the framers of

the Constitution. Fournier understands that problem-solving will drown in distrust without civility as a baseline. We need Fournier to serve on the MB City Council to lead a civil discourse  needed to revive a healthy, vibrant, safe community. “I never considered a difference of opinion in politics, in religion, in philosophy, cause for withdrawing from a friend.” –Thomas Jefferson.

Ilia and Scott Dickey

Manhattan Beach


Raedy to serve

Dear ER:

For more than 100 years, the people, businesses, and organizations in Hermosa Beach have created our unique small town beach culture. I’m running for City Council to increase collaboration with our people and reintroduce some diversity of thought on the city council, so that our future reflects what made Hermosa Beach what it is today. Visit my web page at raedyforchangehermosa.com for more information, and don’t forget to vote by

November 8.

Jeff Raedy

Hermosa Beach



Dear ER:

After watching the Manhattan Beach council candidate forums, I was struck by the variations in skill the candidates had in articulating the issues and clearly defining their messages. They are all

fine people, but if they cannot articulate their rationales, they should not be considered for the position. In my opinion, Mark Burton did the best job at defining his positions and addressing the issues that face our city. He has a clear plan to improve public safety, ensure the low profile character of our city and to reinvigorate the service levels of our city staff. That is why Burtonk will get my vote.

Kathy Wafer

Manhattan Beach


Highrose leveler

Dear ER:

If you live and vote in Manhattan Beach, please give one of your City Council votes to Mark Burton. He listens to the residents of the city, and acts in accordance with their wishes. He is particularly good at leading citizens through the maze of government procedures and legal regulations in order to reach an appropriate outcome. He did this recently in conjunction with the Highrose project, a proposed four-story apartment complex, that would have changed Manhattan Beach’s friendly low profile, and put residents’ health at risk. Despite the fact that “City Hall”

said city government could do nothing about the project because of a state law, Burton found a way to counter the developer’s plan, and led a group of citizens who were successful in getting a majority of the City Council people to reject the proposed project. Burton has the appropriate experience, and temperament to serve on City Council. His whole career has been devoted

to public service in Manhattan Beach, and in the greater Los Angeles area. He has lent his talents to the Manhattan Beach Rotary, Leadership Manhattan Beach, the Roundhouse Aquarium Teaching Center, American Martyrs Church, El Camino College, and the Los Angeles Police Department. Please vote for Mark Burton for Manhattan Beach City Council. 

Lynne Gross

Manhattan Beach


Kitchen cabinet

Dear ER:

I have spent many hours at the dining room table having political discussions with my mother,

Rita Crabtree-Kampe, and my father, and sister. We complain about the tribulations of the world and lament about how little power we have to change it. My mother, however, has always been

steadfast in saying it is our responsibility to be that change, and I am proud of her putting her foot in the ring and doing what she always preached. She has spent hundreds of hours in the last few years working to mitigate the homeless situation in Manhattan Beach. I hear from many people that we don’t have a homeless problem; and while that seems like it takes away from her work, I know it to be a credit to the work she has done. There are many individuals she has sat down with, spoken to, and given a hand up to. She has housed them, reunited them with family, and gotten them jobs. There is no single solution to this problem, and she does not

back down from this challenge because it is hard, and convoluted. Everyday there is a new challenge with a new solution to be implemented, and yet there she is with a smile on her face.

I know she will be an excellent member of Manhattan Beach’s City Council. I am not supporting

her and helping with her campaign because she is my mother; I am here because I want what is

best for Manhattan Beach and believe that it is her. We need someone who will listen to

arguments and make decisions based on what is right, not on who is making the argument. We

need someone who will spend the hours digging through the details to understand the problem

as a whole, not someone who wants to fall in line with one side or another. She has always been and will always be a fair and kind person. On the City Council, she will also be thorough, dedicated, and proactive. Vote Rita with me on November 8 and let’s keep Manhattan Beach growing to be a better place for us all.

Max Kampe

Manhattan Beach

TK to school board

Dear ER:

I have known Tina Shivpuri since our daughters were in Transitional Kindergarten at

Pennekamp Elementary. Shivpuri has always impressed me with her dedication to students and the schools in our district. She was a leader for my daughter’s Girl Scout troop, was a Young at Art docent, a room parent, was part of the PTA Executive Board Member, and helped with numerous other programs, and activities at Pennekamp. She was equally involved with her other two children, one of whom just graduated from MCHS, and is now in college. Shivpuri values academic excellence, and values a learning environment where all students feel safe and have their learning needs met. This is especially important in our current climate. Shivpuri has a calm presence because she is always prepared, has great ideas, and helps reach consensus. Her professional experience will also be valuable to the school board. She has experience in budgeting, process optimization, training and analyzing data. She will make responsible decisions that will keep MBUSD one of the top school districts in the nation. 

Neidy Portillo-Tseng

Manhattan Beach


Cycle of life

Dear ER:

I applaud the Redondo Beach Police in their efforts to discuss, educate, and inform — especially children — on the topic of e-bike safety through their “Talk Shop with Cops,” and the outreach of others. The popularity of e-bikes on our roads and bike paths has grown exponentially. This is due to the health, convenience, and environmental benefits of e-bikes, which promote exercise, lessen our carbon footprint, allow greater mobility and ease of commute, and provide quality and fun recreational time outdoors with friends and family. However, the need for safety has become even more important — especially for children. This includes ensuring children always wear a properly secured helmet while riding. Although adults are not required to, common sense and personal health and safety — as well as providing a good example — should motivate everyone to

do so. Another issue that has created great danger is the practice of some e-bike riders who ignore stop signs. Not only is this hazardous for the rider, it threatens the safety of pedestrians (and pets), other bicyclists, and those in cars. Finally, e-bike riders must follow the same road rules as other vehicle operators. e-bike riders traveling the wrong way down a one-way street, texting while riding, or exceeding speed limits — all of which are prohibited — create

safety hazards. In sum, e-bikes are an important and integral part of our transportation and recreational ecosystem, and neither they nor their riders should be unfairly vilified. Rather, by raising awareness of e-bike safety — and enforcing, and issuing citations for violations of traffic laws — all members of our community can be protected. 

Scott Behrendt

Redondo Beach Planning Commissioner

Redondo Beach

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