Manhattan BeachRedondo BeachSports

Letters to the Editor 6-15-23


One nation, one flag

Dear ER:

Applause and thanks to Redondo Beach Councilmember Nils Nehrenheim for standing his ground (“Pride Flag Raised in RB,” ER June 8, 2023). The American flag is the only non-discriminatory, all-inclusive symbol that represents and unites all of us. This is not an attack on the LGBTQ+ community. I have friends, former co-workers, and two former bosses in that group, and always treated them with love and respect. But where do we draw the line? Will we raise a Christian flag? Jewish flag? Proud Boys flag? BLM flag? NRA flag? Pro-Life or Pro-Choice flag? I hope none of the above, because I would be making the same argument. One group should not be recognized over others in regard to displaying flags on municipal, state or federal properties.

Tim Charles

Redondo Beach


Danny boy

Dear ER:

Danny Ching expects folks who come to practices at the Lanakila Outrigger Canoe Club to learn to compete (“Outrigger Champion: How Danny Ching conquered Molokai,” ER June 8, 2023). His teachings drive me and others. To go for it. Enjoying the pain. Yes, the pain. I’m the guy in the story with cancer. I was in a first place boat mirroring Danny’s stroke. My best day ever. The cancer is gone. But memories of that day remain.

Mike Ashford

ERNews comment


Danny man

Dear ER:

Congratulations Danny Ching on another exciting win (“Outrigger Champion: How Danny Ching conquered Molokai,” ER June 8, 2023). He has proven himself to be a true and humble champion of our sport. It has been 40 years since the Inaugural One man canoe race, when Kanaka Ikaika allowed us a category that no one wanted to be a part of. Back then it was myself and Karel Sr. Everyone else was on surf skis. We still managed to beat a few of the double bladers and finish in 5:31 in a long, heavy canoe. Mahalo to Ching for keeping the sport  alive and being a true ambassador for future generations to follow.

Kevin Olds

ERNews comment


Look around

Dear ER:

The Manhattan Beach City Council will soon be considering what to do with the “Pay To Play Racquetball” building, the eyesore of a building, at Marine Park, located at Marine and Peck.  This is a great opportunity for our City Council to do the right thing to protect and preserve open space in Polliwog Park. If our City Council is truly committed to a second LA County Public Library in Manhattan Beach, the “Pay To Play Racquetball” building in Marine Park is a much more appropriate location, with dedicated parking, than in Polliwog Park, our precious, open space park with its passive pedestrian character. It’s our treasure of tranquility enjoyed by families and their children. Ordinary due diligence demands that the City Council consider all viable locations for a second LA County Public Library. The old LA County Library building in Manhattan Heights, and the “Pay To Play Racquetball” building in Marine Park are two locations worthy of consideration. This is especially true when you consider the utter destruction of the passive pedestrian character of Polliwog Park if a second LA County Library was built at that precious open space. If there ever was a community nature reserve, it’s Polliwog Park, with the several species of migratory birds, beautiful trees and abundant open space. With precious little open space in our community, we should join together to protect and preserve all the open space in Polliwog Park. Just say “No” to a second LA County Library in Polliwog Park.  

Mark Burton

Manhattan Beach


Just paint it

Dear ER:

If Beach Cities Health District was serious about adding a bike lane to Flagler Lane, it could be done tomorrow with some paint (“On Local Government: Proposed bike path missed the cut off,” ER June 8, 2023). The fact is BCHD only wanted to pursue this project because it would have added a sidewalk to the west side of Flagler, allowing for access to their “Wealthy Living Campus.” Tom Bakaly told the Torrance Traffic Commission that a bike lane on Flagler is consistent with the South Bay Bicycle Master Plan. If you bother to actually read the Plan however, it is not.

Mark Miodovski


Bike diversion tactic

Dear ER:

This bike lane actually is consistent with the South Bay Bicycle Master Plan (“On Local Government: Proposed bike path missed the cut off,” ER June 8, 2023). And adding protected bike infrastructure makes transit safer for everyone. It allows cyclists to be separated from traffic, and it makes cycling a more valid alternative to driving, which causes many more deaths per year than cycling ever could. The opposition to this bike path was never about safety or cost, it was always about sticking it to the Beach Cities Health District. The budding cycling community in South Bay gets to pay the price for this feud.

Tyler Anderson

ERNews comment


Happy for the skaters

Dear ER:

I took a walk over to the new skatepark at the Redondo Beach pier the other day  (“Skating the issue, Letters to the Editor,” ER June 8, 2023). There were lots of people using it. They were considerate of each other’s space and all was well. Though I had wanted an antique carousel in that space, I was happy the skaters were happy. There is, sadly, a terrible shortage of open public space to locate any kind of park, whether for skateboarding, pickleball, or any other public recreational use. The past leaders gave away many public sites to private profiteers, leaving nearly nothing for public use and enjoyment.

Barbara Epstein

Redondo Beach


Bad idea

Dear ER:

There was plenty of testimony that the Redondo Beach pier was a bad location for a skate park given to the Harbor Commission and the City Council (“Skating the issue, Letters to the Editor,” ER June 8, 2023). I know because I was the Redondo resident who gave it. I strongly opposed the location of the skate from conception. My exact words were, “This is the worst idea I have ever seen proposed for the harbor.” In my run for City Council, I strongly opposed the skate park location. The Police Department had a one day skate event there once a year. The rest of the year this was a great civic space that everyone could enjoy. This skate park could have been built anywhere. The plaza location served the greater community as a picnic area, a location for outdoor yoga, and the ideal location for Redondo’s Summer Concerts. It’s so unfortunate that’s all gone now and we have a permanent trouble magnet instead.

Paul Moses

Redondo Beach


Spread the parks

Dear ER:

Folks have clamored for lots of things in Redondo Beach, like open space, pickleball courts, and a band amphitheater  (“Skating the issue, Letters to the Editor,” ER June 8, 2023).  I don’t see those appearing anywhere. I don’t doubt kids “clamored for a skate park,” but three skateparks in various locations (one on prime oceanfront real estate) is a bad idea. Someone in City leadership must be, or have a family member who is a skateboard aficionado. This smacks of special interests getting the attention instead of the residents.

Cee-Cee Morgan Murphy

Redondo Beach


Lacrosse pioneers

Dear ER:

Having grown up while watching Jim Brown exploit his talents I am amazed to find his connection to lacrosse (“All Ball Sports, a great runner passes,” ER June 8, 2023). The explosion of lacrosse interest of the last few years in the South Bay has been impressive. It would be fascinating to know how many more natural and famous athletes were a part of the sport that has recently been taken seriously in our local schools and sport clubs.

Stewart Fournier

Manhattan Beach


Better with age

Dear ER:

I have been going to Captain Kidds since the day John and his dad opened it. (“Captain Kidds: True to tradition,” ER June 8, 2023). It’s absolutely true that in recent years the place has much improved in appearance, food and service quality. So much so that over the past six months, we have been there at least three times. Favorites are the fish ‘n chips, any fish sandwich Hawaiian style and their wonderful cole slaw. We’ll be back soon.

Dennis Duke Noor

Manhattan Beach


Reverse direction

Dear ER:

I remember photographer Amy Joseph chastising me for telling people about hiking in the Dunes Preserve (TRAVEL: Exploring Pismo Beach Dunes with Car & Camera,” ERNews June 8, 2023). Now she seems to be telling everyone about the dunes. Many locals wish they had a safe beach to walk and play on instead of dealing with big, expensive environmentally destructive toys. Hopefully the Coastal Commission will help us achieve this goal, which many have worked for decades.

Oceano Beach Community Association

ERNews comment


Money politics

Dear ER:

Commercial special interests, such as private equity firms and real estate developers, are using personal lawsuits against our city elected officials and civic activists to push their own profit interests. Redondo Beach residents need to decide whether we will allow our city to be controlled by these special interests, through this intimidation, or whether we will support our fellow residents and public officials, and stand up to the special interests. An example is when a City Councilperson supports letting the residents vote on a shopping-mall project, then is sued personally by the mall developer, with the sole purpose of putting the Councilperson in financial distress from paying tens of thousands in legal fees. All residents are vulnerable to this threat, whether running for, or elected to City Council, Mayor, serving on a commission or board, or working on a campaign, or even supporting a ballot measure. A regional private-equity fund director with a mall project under scrutiny remarked that writing checks to lawyers intimidating opposing elected officials is an efficient approach to clearing the way for his projects. We need to decide if our elected officials are to be working for the residents, or caving to threats from wealthy special interests. 

Robert Gaddis

Redondo Beach



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