SLO-MO: Tips on how to get great slow motion video

Slow Motion

You might not realize this, but you live with Slow Motion video every day.

Every movie, nearly every TV show and commercial, most YouTube videos—yup, they all showcase slow motion, and for a very good reason: it just looks so damn cool. (And just wait for the Super Bowl game–you’ll be seeing so many Slo-Mo shots!)

Slo-Mo used to be something only big cameras could produce, but they’re now consumer grade, and the hidden super power of your smartphone. Every model has it, from the cheapest, entry-level phone to the top of the line devices. They all have a little button that allows us to add a little Slo-Mo love into our lives. In 4K resolution!

Are you using it to its full capacity? Do you know how to get really cool, cinematic slow motion shots? I run down the best of the best tips in the latest episode of #PhotowalksTV. Ready to up your Slo-Mo game? Give it a look and let me know your thoughts!




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