Letters to the Editor 4-14-22

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Dear ER:

This group was hand selected to endorse the will of City Manager Suja Lowenthal, who already usurps the powers that should be exercised by the City Council (“The Hermosa Beach Cannabis Advisory group opposes cannabis sales, but if approved, wants tax,”). It is not a study that should be relied upon because the data is skewed and the opinions are of special interests. The City should craft an ordinance that best benefits the City should pot sales become legal. Then let the voters decide. If they don’t want pot sales, both initiatives will fail. But if the voters want pot sales in the City, then the law should be appropriately drafted to protect and benefit the City and its needs. Otherwise a single entrepreneur will benefit should the people of Hermosa decide they want pot sales in the City.

Robert Aronoff

Hermosa Beach


Inconvenient facts

Dear ER:

They say a picture is worth a thousand words and I couldn’t agree more. Cartoonist Wuerker’s four pictures must then be worth 4000 words (“Stupid is as stupid does, ER Mar., 2022). Each of these pictures: Our Oil Embargo 1973; The Gulf War 1990; The Iraq War 2003, and The Ukraine War 2022, all represent the United States “addiction to oil,” I believe he makes his point quite well. Of course, in this age of “Wokeness” he could have been more inclusive, perhaps adding a stupid white woman or maybe even a “person of color,” instead all stupid white men? But, that’s just me. My question remains: what are the alternatives? If you really believe we can eliminate oil, any time soon, then there isn’t much hope of having an intelligent conversation. Allow me a few examples. There are well over 6,000 bi products from crude oil. Besides cosmetics, medicines, chewing gum, fertilizers, so we can grow more food to feed the world, there are plastics ie., polypropylene for those bottles we drink from. Battery cases that are required on those environmentally friendly Tesla cars, the garbage cans we use recycle other things. Our roads, over 11 million miles of them use asphalt. Lubricants that keep friction from grinding to a stop all the motors we need. Roofing materials to build all those multi-million-dollar homes.  

So, before you get carried away with saving the planet anytime soon, consider your options carefully! Greta Thunberg doesn’t have all the answers and neither do all those pesky environmentalists. We shouldn’t ignore nuclear energy. 

Gary Brown 



Appointed round

Dear ER:

Things are looking up (“New Redondo Beach postmaster Brian Cuellar starts, oversees two pilot projects,” ER April 14, 2022). Looking forward to better working conditions, brilliant strategies, and full staffing under Postmaster Brian Cuellar.

Barbara Epstein

Redondo Beach


In the kitchen

Dear ER:

That’s wonderful – great addition to Redondo Beach (“Redondo Beach looks for sweet spot to build pickleball courts,” ER April 14, 2022). Pickleball is fun, healthy and its “Open Play” aspect creates a wonderful social community.

Giselle Appert


Epic loss

Dear ER:

I will miss him (“The Epic of Jay – Sailor, cyclist, super friend and soon-to-be father Jay LaPlante went out on the highest note,” ER April 14, 2022). He was a friend to everyone. Always trying to help. Always giving good advice. I miss being able to walk over and just say hi. Rest in peace Jay.

Steven McClintock

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