Hermosa, Manhattan, Redondo city halls reopen

Easy Reader file photo

Hermosa Beach, and Manhattan Beach city halls reopen for in-person visits today (Monday, Jan. 31), after reclosing two weeks ago because of the surge in Omicron cases. Both cities require visitors to wear masks and both encourage people to utilize online services when possible.

Hermosa is conducting  “hybrid” city council and commission meetings, allowing residents to participate in person, or virtually. Manhattan city meetings continue to be virtual, only.

Hermosa’s and Manhattan’s city halls’ in-person hours vary by department.

For information about the City Of Hermosa Beach city hall hours, visit HermosaBeach.gov

For information about Manhattan Beach city hall, visit ManhattanBeach.gov.

The City of Redondo Beach planning, building and engineering departments are offering over-the-counter services to walk ins, but give priority to those who make appointments.

To make appointments for Redondo services, visit Redondo.org.

Redondo council and other meetings are being held both in =person and virtually,


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